

Last night, I dreamed of eating  one of McDonald's Quarter Pounder
Then I woke up realizing it was only a dream I immediately asked my mom if I could go and actually buy one. It took some time since they all wanted to go. But we did get to go, then when I finally got to buy one, they gave a change of 70pesos which would mean the coke, the fries and the burger were only 30pesos. AMAZING O.O

As I ate half of my burger, I wanted to brag it that I finally got to eat when suddenly..

I woke up again =.= DAAAMN it. Then I realized my hands were like holding a burger in the air. What was missing was the burger. So I went out of bed early just to ask the name of the burger even though I kept looking for one in my dream. I really wanted to eat one so I did.

I went to my optometrist early to get my new glasses and then headed straight to McDonald's only to find out they weren't serving any yet D: They were still on breakfast D8<
But in the end I was so happy I got to buy one. ^^


They are cute :)

Recently been watching anime non-stop. And I just really need to share the couples I'm currently been addicted to. They are just so cute and they make me feel being in a relationship like theirs is so fun. Because by the way, I'm not the mushy type. And these couples sow what I mean. (Well some of them do.)

Anyway.... I'll explain more next time. Just made this as an Excuse (: