

Spontaneous. A word I'd like to describe myself. No more arguing please :)

I'm spontaneous when speaking, doing something, but not typing. Lol.

Being spontaneous makes me not regret anything I will do for the next things I won't remember that much. What I will remember is the fact that

I did it and I did not regret it.

See this pic?

I typed in "spontaneous" and this was the pic that first caught my eye. I didn't hesitate to post it because it had exactly what being spontaneous is. It also represents a great genre of music. A spontaneous one that's for sure. Jazz Music.

Damn... be right back... mag-aasin daw ng isda. haha

So As I was saying, Jazz Music is Spontaneous.
Just like in life, we are the the players, and we play our best music in life.
Take Jazz music and muscicians for example. Jazz is just so spontaneous, upbeat and sometimes never ending.  That never ending upbeat music is just so great to hear. Those horn players, drums, base, piano, they do their best to play great music together. Even if one messes up, it doesn't ruin the music unless they just stop. And if they do mess up, they just pick up where they left and just go with the flow. If I was the one who would mess up, I'd just blow my horn louder and better to make up for my lost notes. Do you get what I'm tryig to say here?

Now a question, what about being hesitant?
Heck, being hesitant is just fine. But being clever on-the-spot makes you even better. Yes, we have to think of the consequences, but if you want to be spontaneous most of the time, it doesn't only concern what you''ll get and not regret but also how you will face the consequences. Here's a trick, if you're honest in what you do, you have a great chance of overcoming those consequences after. It also goes the same when you're doing something you don't regret. You have the confidence to overcome those consequences no matter how hard it will be because you didn't do something you wouldn't like nor regret.

Being nervous is just normal, just trust in God, and go for it. Everything will just be fine as long as you don't give up. The music will continue as long as you don't stop. If you do your best each and everyday good things are sure to come your way.

But remeber, what you want, isn't exactly what you need. They all know what they wanted. What they wanted- "need" to do.
They gotta dig a little deeper, find out who they are, they'll find out what they need. Not all our wants would make us happy. Our needs will.

If you're worrying about being in a new environment, don't worry, be yourself.
What you want is probably the same crazy group your previous friends were. But I suppose what you'll need are those who'd understand you just like how your other friends did.
For me, I really want to download that movie of K-ON! already, but what would really make me happy is that family bonding with our newly met cousins I've been waiting for a week or maybe a nice looong talk and games with my friends.

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